Selasa, 20 April 2010

MooTools Image Gallery: slideGallery

Bagi pengguna framework javascript MooTools, ini ada plugins baru buat nyiptain image gallery. slideGallery itulah nama plugin MooTools untuk menciptakan carousels gambar dapat disesuaikan dengan mudah & cepat. Tekniknya hampir mirip dengan jCarousel, yakni mengkonversi list dan ditata menggunakan CSS.

Berikut penjelasan lebih lengkapnya :

slideGallery is a MooTools plugin for creating customizable image carousels easily & quickly.
It converts any given unordered list into a slider & can be styled with CSS.

The plugin can display any defined number of images horizontally or vertically, auto-play them, have prev-next buttons and these functions can be configured more with:
  • setting the class of prev-next elements
  • speed and duration of slides
  • transition to be used
  • direction of the transitions
  • & more..
slideGallery works in all major browsers including IE6.

Requirements: MooTools
Compatibility: All Major Browsers

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